ORIENTATION: Queenstown is in western Tasmania. It is an isolated town. There is more accommodation at nearby STRAHAN and ZEEHAN. Click to see the CARAVAN PARK.
COMFORT INN GOLD RUSH, 65 Bachelor Street, Queenstown: The telephone number is (03) 6471 1005 or www.goldrushmotorinn.com.au
COMSTOCK COTTAGE, 45 McNamara St, Queenstown: (03) 6471 1200 or 0409 711 614
EMPIRE HOTEL, 2 Orr Street, Queenstown: Telephone (03) 6471 1699 or www.empirehotel.net.au
GEORGE’S COTTAGE, 3 Peters Street, Queenstown: Telephone 0419 565 155
GREENGATES on CENTRAL, 7 Railway Reserve, Queenstown: (03) 6471 1144
Mt LYELL MOTOR INN, 1 Orr Street, Queenstown: The telephone number is (03) 6471 1888 or the contact is www.mtlyellmotorinn.com.au
MOUNTAIN VIEW HOLIDAY LODGE, Penghana Road, Queenstown: (03) 6471 1163
Mt LYELL ANCHORAGE BB, 17 Cutten Street, Queenstown: (03) 6471 1900 or 0428 429 962
PENGHANA BB, 32 Esplanade, Queenstown: (03) 6471 2560 or 0422 990 510 or www.penghana.com.au
QUEENSTOWN MOTOR LODGE, 54-58 Orr Street, Queenstown: The telephone number is (03) 6471 1866 or www.queenstownmotorlodge.com.au
QUEENSTOWN RAILWAY HOTEL, Driffield Street, Queenstown: (03) 6471 1511 or 0419 394 600
SILVER HILLS MOTEL, Penghana Road, Queenstown: (03) 6471 1755
WEST COASTER MOTEL, Bachelor St, Queenstown: (03) 6471 1033
QUEENSTOWN CABIN & TOURIST PARK, 17 Grafton Street, Queenstown: (03) 6471 1332